Thursday, December 1, 2016

Non - Fiction Blog

December 1,2016


         Donald trump had tweeted in Sunday that he had won the popular vote. He said that if you were to subtract the millions of people who voted illegally he would've won it. He claimed that their was cheating in Virginia, New Hampshire and California. But , however Clinton had won the popular vote. Democrats have said that they have no signs that someone might of hacked that would change the results.

          Their was many paragraphs sounded interesting out to me during reading my article. One of the paragraphs that were interesting to me was when they say that “ Trump used Twitter to send a message Sunday. He said that he won the popular vote if you subtract the millions of people who voted when they were not supposed to. He later claimed there were voters cheating in Virginia, New Hampshire and California.” . This Paragraph sounds interesting to me because in this paragraph he is saying that he didn't really needed the help of the people that voted illegally because either way he would've been able to win the Election. This to me sounds insulting to the people that voted because it's like saying that they don't need them. Another reason was that why is he assuming that they cheated I some countries when he doesn't have any evidence to prove that it's true.

          I have learned many new things during reading my article. One thing that I learned was that Donald trump is saying that many people voted illegally during the election. According to this he said that votes will be counted gain in some states. Some place that voted that Wayne were in Virginia, new hamsphire, and California. But Donald trump might of have won the election but Hilary Win the popular vote.
  November 30th, 2016



  1. Your article talks about how Donald Trump claims that he would of won the popular vote if millions of immigrants hadn't voted illegally. I liked how your summary is objective and tells the main points and ideas of the article. One thing I would recommend is adding more details to your 3rd paragraph to make it more interesting and not make it sound repetitive. Another thing I suggest is to revice your blog because I found a few mistakes like in paragraph 2 in the last sentence it auto corrected to I instead of in. Also if you revice try to add more main points to inform people.

  2. I can't believe what I have read about Donald Trump. Trump just thinks that he could do whatever he wants, and say whatever he wants. Donald Trump believes that if illegal immigrants didn't won't, he would've won the popular vote. That is one of the stupidest things that I ever heard. Plus, why is he complaining he already won the election?
