Monday, October 31, 2016

"Made History"

October 24th, 2016

                On this day, October 22, 2016 after 71 years of playing , the Chicago Cubs won against the Dodgers, Los Angeles at Wrigley Field. Fireworks followed with people screaming in joy. People with flags and their bright color Cubs shirt. Their final score was 0-5. Families cheering and hugging with such an emotion. It was an insane night for the Cubs. The next day all you could see was that Cubs had made history.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

1st Quarter Refelctions

October 27th, 2016.    

           According to my list for the 10 book challenge I have read 3 books. Currently I'm reading “ No summit out of sight” which is my 4th book in my list. The other 3 books I have read have been “Paper Towns”, “ The Giver”, and “ The fault in our stars”. I really like doing this 10 book challenge because it helps me get better at my reading skills  and helps me understand more in life. Another reason is because it helps me learn new words that I've maybe had never heard or didn’t know the meaning of it. Since we read the book “ The Giver “ and Mrs. Larson taught us a strategy while reading the book,  which is called singpost it helped me a lot while I was reading my other books and also It helped me understand what was happening in the book.

         According to the work I have been doing in Language Arts some strategies have benefit me. One strategies that has benefit me has been objective summaries. I used to always think that their was just one kind of summaries but I noticed that their wasn't. Mrs. Larson has teached me that there's a lot of ways that people can write a summary, it can be based on your own opinions by using first person point of view or using third person meaning like if you were writing a newscast. Another strategy that has benefit me has been signpost. Doing signposts has helped me a lot during reading my books and it especially helped me a lot while reading “The Giver”.

     I have learned a lot of stuff about the world. One lesson that I have learned is that not everything is easy . Sometimes you have to put part of your effort into your work and not let anyone do it because it’s not helping you, it's just damaging you more in your understanding. Also I've learned that your teachers are not going to be with your for the rest of your life, you have to be able to understand what they are teaching you because later on you will be on your own without a teacher to be remembering you what to do or without your parent because you will be an adult. You are the one that has to get your life together because it's not the teacher job to tell you to do this or that,  but they just want to make you a better person and teach you lessons that might helped you in life.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Film vs book

October 17th, 2016

 In the book “ The Giver “ and their was a lot of differences. One such difference was in the book when Jonas is escaping, he dosent come in contract with Asher. In the movie, Asher tries to stop him. Jonas didn't let anybody get into his business in that moment. Unfortunately, he got mad that he punched Asher.  Another difference was when Jonas is number 19 in the book and he was number 52 in the movie. In chapter 7 it says “ Jonas was nineteen. He had been the nineteenth new child born this year. It had meant that at his naming, he had been already standing and bright - eyed , soon to walk and talk “ p. 50. The quote that I found in page 50 proves to us that Jonas was a different number in the book than in the movie.


              On my personal opinion I think that Brenton was not the best option for him to be Jonas. In the movie and in the book he did play the nervous part right but that's was really the only thing that was the same about him in the book and the movie. In the Movie Jonas appears as a 15 year old boy and in the book he is described as a 12 year old boy. But , also not just Jonas was portrayed differently . Asher and Fiona were too. If I was the director of the movie I would've chosen someone more young . After all Brenton did a good job acting on the movie and the way he was in the book as Jonas.

          My opinion as I watched the movie and read the book is that the book is better and more understandable than the movie . I liked the book better because it had a lot of events that were really interesting and easy to understand. But as you can see in the movie it was confusing because it was way different than the book. For example in the book there was still a long time for the ceremony to happen and in the movie it started a day before the ceremony.  According to this example it's one of the reasons why I liked the book better. Also I liked the book better because it had more details and it was more interesting to actually imagine. Another part of the movie that I didn't like was that in the book they describe him as a 12 year old boy but in the movie he looks like if he was 14 or 15.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

"The Giver " Theme

October 13th, 2016

               According to the book it shows us that Jonas is a Dynamic character. Jonas is a Dynamic character because during the book he has been changing. At first Jonas was always thinking about himself and no one else ,he was being selfish. A quote that shows us this is where it says “ He had waited a long time for this especial December , now that I was almost upon him , he wasn't frightened , but he was ….. Eager , he decided. He was eager for it to come” (4) This quote shows us that he was just thinking about what he was going to get as a job and he didn't think about wishing luck to others. But yet he was still nice to others. After Jonas got the job of the receiver of memories he started to change a lot he was more mean to others. He didn't do what he was supposed to do. One example that shows this is when he lied to his parent about him taking his pills which he really wasn't. In this part it shows us how Jonas is starting to not accept the rules. Another quote was when it says “ Jonas did not want to go back. He didn't want the memories , didn't want the honor , didn't want the wisdom, didn't want the pain” p. 121 This quote shows us that Jonas is changing because he wants to give the memories to Gabriel but “The Giver “ kept telling to not do it because it's nice to have memories. Also after a while Jonas actually learned what the word released meant. He was mad because he couldn't believe that his dad had been lying  to him and that he has been doing such crime in such a long time. According to this example Jonas has been lied about his community he thought that the word released was when they give the babies to other families that will actually take care of them. It turns out that they actually kill them instead of giving them to another family that will actually take good care of them.

               One of many themes in the book “ The Giver “ by Lois Lowry is to find love you need to go through hardship. As Jonas starts to get the memories he start to feel love and emotions. Before he was assigned to be the receiver of memories he was like everybody in the community , the people that didn't have feelings or felt love. One quote that shows us this theme is when Jonas is escaping from the community and he says “ But the moment passed and was followed by an urge, a need, a passionate yearning to share the warmth into the thin, shivering body in his arm” p. 177 This quote is showing us that Jonas started to feel love for Fiona. If Jonas was had not been assigned as the receiver of Memories he would've never felt emotions or feelings. But, Jonas is not the only one that has feelings. As we can see in page 141 It shows us that “ The Giver” has feelings too. This is shown in the part when he talks about Rosemary. This example is a perfect example to show us that “ The Giver” ale has feelings because he said that his heart broke when he had to transfer the pain. But, he
had no choice, it was his job.